
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

English Jokes | Short Jokes | SMS | Hilarious | Funny

Postman Could Have Posted The Parcel

Postman: I have to come 5 miles to deliver you this packet.
Santa: Why did u come so far?.Instead U could have posted it.

 I Was a Tiger Before I Fell in Love
A tiger was giving love success party to his frndz
A cat came & danced
Tiger asked Who r u?
Cat said"I was also a tiger b4 i fell in luv"!......:)

Use of Schedule When Train is Late

A man was complaining to a railroad engineer.
What's the use of having a train schedule
If the trains are always late.
The railroad engineer replied.
How would we know they were late,
If we didn't have a schedule?

My Father, Grand Father, Great Grand Father

A cop stops one man and tells him.
I’ve got to fine you! You were going 90!
Can you explain that?
It’s hereditary!
Excuse me?
All three of my father,
grandfather and great grandfather
Have gone after 90 years.

School Teacher Message To Parents

An elementary school teacher sends this note to
All parents on the first day of school.

"If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school,
I will promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home.

Teacher Scolding A Boy
Teacher: U faliure! At your age Bill gates stood first in the class!
Student: Mind you, Sir but at your age Hitler commited sucide!
Newspaper BIG SCAM Big SCAM

A Newspaper boy keeps shouting on the street:
“Big scam! Big scam! 12 Victims!”
A man decides to buy the newspaper and
while browsing it he discovers there is nothing inside it about a scam.
The boy keeps shouting even louder now:
“Big scam! Big scam! 13 victims!”

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