
Friday, May 11, 2012

Funny Jokes


A man woke up his neighbour and started complaining about his tooth problem.

His neighbour told him that there was a time he had a tooth problem
but the only thing he did was to kiss his wife and his tooth problem

The mann replied, 'Where is that your magic wife let me start with her

Joke of the day

Joke of the day
A state trooper notices a car weaving in
the road, and when he pulls it over a
beautiful woman gets out. She is clearly
under the influence, but just to make
sure he gives her the breathalyzer test.
Sure enough, she's over the limit, so the
trooper says, "Madam, you've had a

Joke of the day

jok of the day! A man went to meet his
father in law to be & was chewing
gum.The father in law shouted at him in a
harsh voice… Father In Law :- Young man,
U're coming to seek my daughter's hand
in marriage and u're chewing gum.That's
a sign of disrespect! Man :- Sir, I only
chew gum when i drink or smoke. Father
In Law:- U mean u drink & smoke and u're
here to seekmy daughter's hand in
marriage? Man :- Sir I only drink & smoke
when i go to the club. Father In Law :- U
club too? Man :- I'm sorry sir, I started
clubbing when i came out of prison.
Father In Law :- U've also been in prison
before? Omg! Man :- Sorry sir, I went to
jail when i killed somebody. Father In
Law :- What!!! U're a killer??? Man :- Sir, It
happened out of anger.It was certain man
that didn't allow me to marry his
daughter so i killed him. Father In Law :-
U are highly welcome my son.U are on the
right track.U're absolutely the right man